Moon Wavves

New things circa a month ago

(Should’ve posted this a while ago)

My school is hosting a TED talk later this week. I love TED talks so I’m pretty excited. There’s going to be tons of awesome speakers! I’m in charge of designing the set/stage and I have pretty much no idea what’s going on. Obviously lighting is important but the talks posted online have minimal furniture…I’m not sure if the speakers want to stand or sit or speak from a podium or whether the format of their talk will influence the set (like in an interview people usually sit but if they’re giving a speech they’ll want to stand most likely. Also I don’t know how many people will actually be attending but I guess we’ll hope for the best.

Spring break was last week and as usual my family did absolutely nothing. My parents can never get off work so we never travel. I spent the break attempting to do homework.

So I got accepted to McGill University (my top choice!), and at first I cried because I couldn’t go. However, I’ve recently gained some information that my parents (or at least just my dad) might still be distantly considering it. Thus, now begins the careful process of convincing my parents to let me study abroad. This might be the most important thing I’ve ever done. Don’t judge me but I’ve actually already picked out the McGill shirt I’ll wear on college shirt day at school. I’m targeting my efforts more at my dad since he will be the easier parent to persuade. My fingers are jumping all over this keyboard just thinking about going to school in Montreal. So many typos. It would make all these tortuous years of french all worth it.  But I can’t get my hopes up too much. This is pretty much the least likely thing to ever happen in my life (not even being dramatic here).


I’m blowing off homework for you guys to post this, so..feel special.

Today was ok. Watermelon and I have basically finished our IED (intro to engineering design class) project which was to design a bike storage system for someone who lives in a small apartment. Our solution was to create a pulley system so the bike could be hung from the ceiling. We are quite brilliant, if I do say so myself. Anyway, the project was due on monday, so naturally we were spazzing out with my friend Sonny and his IED partner at lunch in the computer lab. It was fun! :3

After school, Watermelon, Panda, and I went to help a former teacher like we do almost every week. This time we took the bus, and got off at the right stop. Watermelon usually freaks out because she thinks we’ll miss the stop and have to walk across the highway–that was ONE time. Then we graded students social studies notebooks. Unsurprisingly, most of them failed. Anyway, here are some blurru photos from the concert on monday. It’s kinda weird. When you’re at a concert, it suddenly hits you at random moments that the band are real people and not just pictures on the internet.


Hi interwebs!

So. I have a wordpress now. Not the easiest blogging platform I’ve used, but it’ll do. I wish there were more themes. I mostly got one because my friend Sonny ( has one. He’s pretty amazing and inspiring. I’m a really forgetful person, but I’ll try to update regularly.