Course Registration

Course registration for McGill went down recently. For some reason I thought the registration for Faculty of Arts was June 18th, but I fucked up and the 18th was actually registration for Science students, while the 17th was reg for Arts students. Anyway, I got out of bed around 10am on the 17th and checked facebook to find dozens of people posting their schedules. Obviously, I freaked out for a good 30 seconds and then raced to log onto Minerva, the McGill portal thing. I got most of my fall term classes and only 2 of my winter term classes. Then today I logged on to see if the waitlists went up for the classes that I wasn’t able to reg for. They hadn’t but I discovered there were places for 2 of the classes I was trying to sign up for. I’m counting on wait lists for the other 2 classes (luckily winter term) I still need to sign up for. Minerva is a tearjerker. According to a sad facebook post, apparently every single class this guy wanted to sign up for was full by 8:05 on reg day. These are my fall term classes:

  1. Intro to Linguistics
  2. Russian Lit
  3. Our Evolving Universe
  4. Intro to Feminist Theory
  5. Intro to Sexual Diversity Studies

These are the winter term courses I’m signed up for so far:

  1. Astrobiology
  2. History of Modern Africa
  3. German Lit

I’m hoping to get into Sociology of Gender and Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience for winter. Otherwise I LOVE my schedule. McGill actually assigned me to be a U1 when I wanted to be a U0…I need to talk to an advisor about that because it’s mandatory to declare a major in U1, which I’m not ready to do. I’m going up to Montreal later this month and I’ll talk to them then.

I was also assigned New Rez, which was pretty low on my preferences list. You can apply to change residences 2 weeks into the semester, but that sounds like more trouble than its worth – repacking everything and then lugging boxes and shit around Montreal… Anyway, New Rez doesn’t seem too bad. The main reason I didn’t like it before was that its a hotel (living in a hotel for 8 months ugh) and that it’s the biggest res of them all. But, it does go straight into the underground mall in Montreal and the caf seems good so idk I’ll see how it is.