Moon Wavves

Month: April, 2012

Weekend: This is kinda late.

I’m busy tonight, so I wrote this earlier and set it to post around 9. Just so you know.

Saturday was Maryland day (the day Maryland became a state for you unknowledgeable people), so I got to wake up insanely early and go to University O’Maryland College Park to help out with MD day there. It was soooo cold. Anyway, I just volunteered to help answer people’s questions and guide them around. Strangely, lots of people wanted to go to the bathroom. Then, we went to Ikea. I really needed a bookcase because my other ones were overflowing and there were mountains of books in my floor. So yeah. We also got a plant. It was quite a necessary purchase. When we got home, I put the bookcase together. It was a near-death experience. For the book case. Haha. Laugh at the lame joke, guys. No really. The bookcase decided to leave an important screw at Ikea. We had to improvise.

On Sunday I had to get a blood test, which sucked. Everything went smoothly until the second vial of blood (sorry for the graphic nature of the following content) was hooked up to the needle. Then, my vein wasn’t working or something and no blood was coming out. The nurse decided to wriggle the needle around in my arm, so that was unpleasant. Eventually, she got enough blood. Now I just have a bruise. Then, we went on a hike at Sugarloaf. It was fun(ish). Then, I came home and freaked out about homework.

Today, I went to school, which also was unpleasant. After school, I went to the practice APUSH ap test. It was really easy (imho). I scored 62/80, so that’s around a 4 or 5. It’s weird because I haven’t really studied at all. I felt like I was screwed for the test, but now I feel sorta confidant.

Tonight, I’m going to the Death Cab for Cutie concert. I can’t wait. I’m going to take the metro to Bethesda and meet my friends there. I will take pictures and post them tomorrow. If I remember. Which I will. *cough*

Awkward photo time…

Ok, here we go. I’m regretting making this challenge now… Since Sonny put up a picture of himself, I have to as well.

Thus, here are some me-being-awkward-and-taking-photos-of-myself-instead-of-doing-homework shitty webcam photos of me:

Ha, take that. Two photos. Actually, in neither one do I look particularly happy…but right now I’m in a good mood. Can’t wait for Death Cab and for some reason my neighbors gave me more money than usual for babysitting. Sonny, are you signing up for the SAT or an SAT subject test? Where? When? Are you going to take a class to prepare? Watermelon, talk to me toooo. Ugh, this is so confusing. I hate standardized testing.


Well, this is disconcerting (props to Meghan). It seems that more people have discovered my blog. This means I must update more. The horror.

I just got back from babysitting my neighbors, who are 4, 4, and 7. They’re really hyper kids. This time they put peanut better on the walls.

Alsoalsoalso, Death Cab is playing Strathmore with The Magik*Magik Orchestra and Youth Lagoon on Monday and my friend has extra tickets so I’m going! I AM SEEING DEATH CAB IN 5 DAYS. This is incredible. Apparently, my friend sat at her comp waiting for the tickets to go on sale and just barely got them in time. I read that the tickets sold out within two minutes, which is insane. I’m totally going to listen to all of their albums on repeat until moday and do better to memorize the lyrics and plan what to wear and and and *keyboard mash*. Maybe we will make shirts! Actually, I am surprised that my parents let me go to a concert on a school night. I hope they play Tiny Vessels and Marching Bands of Manhattan and The Sound of Settling and Title and Registration and I Will Follow You Into the Dark (where the name of this blog is from) and ALL THE SONGS.

SONNY: I dare you to put a picture of yourself on your blog. If you will, I will. :3


Ugh, I’ve needed to make a post forever. Also, I can’t find a theme I like, but I’m trying this one out and I added a dark turquoise as the background color, soooo…

Today was a surprisingly-better-than-usual day. It was Day of Silence, and this was my third year participating! It was fun because more of my friends did it this year. Also, this meant I did not have to give my french presentation. French, public speaking, and me do not mix. I managed to not speak until 2:10. Unfortunately, I heard some people saying that “gayness is not natural”, but I couldn’t say anything back, so that sucked. It was cool when I saw others in the hallway or something that had the GSA sign on their shirts because we would just smile at each other. It was like we were a united front against discrimination or something. Yay~

Watermelon (I’m assuming, Sonny, that I know who watermelon actually is)(awkward if it’s not who I think it is), another friend, and I went volunteering at our middle school today. We normally go on fridays and some other random days to help out teachers with grading and stuff to get SSL hours. You never think it’s going to be fun because it’s friday and usually I just want to go home and die for a few hours, but it’s actually really amazing. The work isn’t that hard and there’s always funny spelling/grammatical mistakes that the 6th-graders make so you’re actually laughing 95% of the time. Plus, I’m getting to know this one person better that I didn’t really know before (her name rhymes with oak tree if you wanna know, Sonny) and she’s super nice and she’s also doing IB next year.

Then, I went to 4-H for our once-a-month meeting. That was really exciting too because I got to see all my friends that I don’t get to see that often. I found out that my friend got into the IB program as an 8th-grader! So I’ll get to see him next year in the halls. I shall embarrass him. *rubs hands together mischievously*

^^^sorry for the slightly long, rambling post.

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I’m an interesting person, talking about school.

So apparently I have to update this thing, as I now have a follower (that’s what they’re called, right? noob.) Talkin’ about you, Sonny.

Anyway, homework is stressing me out. My english teacher is going to share my writing assignment out loud with the class tomorrow. *sigh* She must be really desperate or my classmates are really bad at writing (a distinct possibility) because I wrote my analysis in like 20 minutes with lots of typos and stuff, but still managed to get an A :3 I have so much other homework that I feel like there’s almost no time to relax. When I do, it seems like I’m teetering on the edge of some great cliff of academic doom…

Anyway, I hafta eat dinner now.

Because I dislike the About Page.

And, thus, the About Post came to be.

My name is Marlena. I am 15 years old and live in Maryland, unfortunately. I like to read Lord of the Rings and listening to Death Cab for Cutie. I do not know how to initiate conversations, probably because I’m awkward and weird socially. I like kiwis. I also read fanfiction in bursts, sometimes for days at a time. I tend to be obsessed with things for a while, then forget about them completely. I listen to music almost all the time when I’m not around people. Have some virtual muffins.

Hi interwebs!

So. I have a wordpress now. Not the easiest blogging platform I’ve used, but it’ll do. I wish there were more themes. I mostly got one because my friend Sonny ( has one. He’s pretty amazing and inspiring. I’m a really forgetful person, but I’ll try to update regularly.