
by Marlena

Sorry for the absence. I’ve sososo busy and scarcely even thought of posting something here.

School is coming to a close, just 13 days left (not including the dreaded IB exams coming up). Weirdly, I’ve started feeling more motivated in the last month of school than I have all year. We’ll see if that lasts. Most of my classes are winding down in order to start prepping for exams after spring break (next week). I’m not doing anything over break, probably just procrastinating reviewing for exams and practicing driving some more. A lot of people are doing final college visits over break, which makes me happy for them yet sad for me because I was accepted to my top choice college this week yet I can’t attend.

My cousin from France is officially coming to visit for a month! She’s the closest relative to my age so it’ll be super fun. She’s 16 and is going to be working at a translating company for a while to improve her english skills. I’m already planning out where I’ll take her – obviously DC and then I also wanted to go to NYC since she’s never been.

In more personal news, I’m feeling a potential love beginning to develop. Like, I don’t actually love them, but I know that I have the potential to. I’ve realized that I could easily fall in love with them. It’s almost like the bud of a flower, ready to blossom but it’s just not quite there yet. And I like them a lot, I really do, even though I don’t know them hardly at all. They cross my mind often, but I don’t love them. I could, though. I know I could. Unfortunately, the person is the very definition of unavailable, like almost every other person that I’ve fancied. Also, I’m leaving this school in a month and they’ll still be here next year…