Moon Wavves

Month: February, 2014

More college stuff

Wooo I’m back and it hasn’t even been 24 hours so that’s a record.

I just got an email informing me that I got sorted into the Arts section of the College Park Scholars honors program at UMD. That was my very first choice so that really improved my day. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m just trying to convince myself or what but UMD might be a good place. I never planned to stay in Maryland any longer than I had to, certainly not 4 extra years, but I guess I should be grateful that I even have the opportunity to pursue higher education. And I have an idea of who I might want to room with, which is super exciting.

This morning it was snowing pretty hard and I already have enough trouble trying to get to school on time and trying not to skip french but it was even worse to day because I didn’t want to get soaked walking in the snow. So, I skipped french and brought an excuse note in (the attendance secretary at our school is a angel, we’re on a first name basis at this point). In the end, it didn’t matter because it was still snowing when I started walking to school anyway.

Then I stayed after school to go to the Fine Lines meeting. For some reason, I sometimes dread the Fine Lines meetings because it mainly means staying after school and usually after school I just wanna leave and never see that place again. But, after the meeting I’m always soooo glad I went because it’s the best thing ever – you get to hang out with cool people and look at/talk about art. If FLs was my job, I’d be the happiest art critic ever. I’m a writing editor so I work with the other editors to get submissions from students and then we present the writing pieces to the other editors and general staff at the meetings. Fun stuff – I actually wrote one of my college essays about standing at the front of the room while everyone critiqued my work (and I got into that college).

Long Time, No See

Um, hi.

So it’s been a while…like 2 years. Actually, I had no idea that this blog still existed but here I am. I’m not sure if I feel like describing all the things that have happened to me since I was 15. So I guess I’ll just start anew.

Life is pretty busy right now. I’m finishing my senior year of high school, which is definitely not as chill as it should be. Luckily, apply to colleges is over and all there’s left to do is wait. Actually, that might be the hardest part. I applied to only 5 schools because I got lazy and it was never likely in the first place that I’d be going anywhere but University of Maryland. I applied to two Uni’s in Canada (because it’s always been my secret dream to be a Canadian maple syrup farmer). Those were my top but unrealistic choices. My parents don’t want me to go too far away, and if I go to an entirely new country, it might be too much for them. So yeah. It’s kind of hard to accept but I will most likely be going to UMD in fall. Originally, one of the reasons I didn’t want to go there was that I thought with so many people from my high school there, it might be a repeat of high school. But with such a big state school, I don’t really think that’ll be a problem. I also hate the campus and the basic idea of a huge state school, but oh well college is what you make of it. I’m glad that there’s so many majors to choose from, so I am so indecisive it’s not even funny. It’s also cheaper than out of state (easier on my parents). I got into one of the honors programs, so that’s cool. A few of my friends are going there, so I’ll have people to hang out with as I make/try to make more friends and won’t have to hide in my room watching netflix. That’s always a plus. Finally, there’s a really cool and organized LGBT office on campus, which I would like to work in. I’m trying to look on the bright side and I think it’s working.

Anyway, college is only a small fraction of what’s going on but I reallllly need to study for a calc test now so I will see you on the flip side.

Random draft from 2 years ago that I never posted?

Hi guys.

It’s been actually 56756 years since I posted anything and for that I apologize. Not that any of you probably care whether I post or not…anyway.

Summer’s been kinda boring so far. I’ve gone camping twice, spent numerous hours on the internet, and began volunteering at the hospital. Strangely, I haven’t seen my friend who also works there yet (do we have a nickname for a certain indian boy who listens to a lot of Kid Cudi, plays tennis like a pro, and generally annoys everyone?). I mostly bring the patients water, ice, books, and nurses; direct patients families to the right rooms; deliver the patients who have been discharged to their cars; ride elevators up and down until I have something to do; awkwardly get out of the way when code blues are called (heart attack for people not in the cool); and probably annoy all the nurses, techs, patients, and doctors.

We lost power on friday night like the 600,000 million other people, so we suffered without internet, computers, and ac (notice the order).