Moon Wavves

Story Time

Once upon a time, there was a distant star that shone bright gold in the night sky. Of course, there were many stars in the dark sky, but this particular star was the brightest of them all. Whenever anyone below was lost, they would gaze up at the sky, spot that star, and immediately it would guide them home. They called that star their treasure and its beautiful face starred in all their artwork, films, and bedtime stories, and everyone loved that star.

But the star was too distant from them to feel any of their love. She lived far far away, all alone in a house of darkness, and hardly knew of love the people down below had for her. Every night when the star woke up to shine her brightest, the people down below would see nothing but her light, but she would see nothing but the darkness that engulfed her. Because of this, the star felt more and more lonely every single night, and every single night she shined a little dimmer.

The people down below did not notice this, blinded as they were by her beauty and light, and even if they had, they would’ve had no idea how to get the star to notice their love. So the star kept shining as long as she could, growing a little dimmer each night, and the people kept loving her without her knowledge. Until one day, finally, the shadows over took her and she became dark enough that somebody noticed something was amiss.

He was an astronomer, one of the only stargazers in all the world, and spent most of his time peering up at the stars, inspecting them, and trying to find a way to reach them. None of his attempts had ever worked and so he eventually resigned himself to watching, rather than touching, the stars. She was his favourite star. Not because she was the brightest or the most beautiful but because she was so full of life and love and he felt she deserved those things in return. He knew she was all alone in that house of darkness, seeped in black, and he knew she had no one to share her love with. She was the reason he had spent so much time trying to touch the stars. He figured if he could reach them, if he could reach her, he could let her know that she wasn’t alone in the world at all.

By the time she got dark enough for the people down below to notice, the astronomer had given up any hope of reaching her. The other people down below moved on from the star; no longer the brightest in the sky, she had lost all her value to everyone but the astronomer. So she began drifting through the inky darkness to cling to something, anything, to make her bright again but she found nothing. After a while, the darkened star became very tired and became the first star in history to fall asleep. As she fell asleep, she lost her foothold in the night sky and began falling down to the world below. At first, it seemed like there would be no one to catch her, as none of the people down below paid her any attention anymore. But the astronomer noticed her falling and was there to catch her as she fell. She awoke soon after, for the first time in the land down below, and discovered that she wasn’t alone in the world after all. Though it wasn’t exactly how the astronomer had imagined touching the stars, he still found a way to let this star know how much he loved her.

And so they lived together as long as they could, the fallen star and the star-watcher, and both of them shined brighter than all the stars in the sky.

More college stuff

Wooo I’m back and it hasn’t even been 24 hours so that’s a record.

I just got an email informing me that I got sorted into the Arts section of the College Park Scholars honors program at UMD. That was my very first choice so that really improved my day. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m just trying to convince myself or what but UMD might be a good place. I never planned to stay in Maryland any longer than I had to, certainly not 4 extra years, but I guess I should be grateful that I even have the opportunity to pursue higher education. And I have an idea of who I might want to room with, which is super exciting.

This morning it was snowing pretty hard and I already have enough trouble trying to get to school on time and trying not to skip french but it was even worse to day because I didn’t want to get soaked walking in the snow. So, I skipped french and brought an excuse note in (the attendance secretary at our school is a angel, we’re on a first name basis at this point). In the end, it didn’t matter because it was still snowing when I started walking to school anyway.

Then I stayed after school to go to the Fine Lines meeting. For some reason, I sometimes dread the Fine Lines meetings because it mainly means staying after school and usually after school I just wanna leave and never see that place again. But, after the meeting I’m always soooo glad I went because it’s the best thing ever – you get to hang out with cool people and look at/talk about art. If FLs was my job, I’d be the happiest art critic ever. I’m a writing editor so I work with the other editors to get submissions from students and then we present the writing pieces to the other editors and general staff at the meetings. Fun stuff – I actually wrote one of my college essays about standing at the front of the room while everyone critiqued my work (and I got into that college).

Long Time, No See

Um, hi.

So it’s been a while…like 2 years. Actually, I had no idea that this blog still existed but here I am. I’m not sure if I feel like describing all the things that have happened to me since I was 15. So I guess I’ll just start anew.

Life is pretty busy right now. I’m finishing my senior year of high school, which is definitely not as chill as it should be. Luckily, apply to colleges is over and all there’s left to do is wait. Actually, that might be the hardest part. I applied to only 5 schools because I got lazy and it was never likely in the first place that I’d be going anywhere but University of Maryland. I applied to two Uni’s in Canada (because it’s always been my secret dream to be a Canadian maple syrup farmer). Those were my top but unrealistic choices. My parents don’t want me to go too far away, and if I go to an entirely new country, it might be too much for them. So yeah. It’s kind of hard to accept but I will most likely be going to UMD in fall. Originally, one of the reasons I didn’t want to go there was that I thought with so many people from my high school there, it might be a repeat of high school. But with such a big state school, I don’t really think that’ll be a problem. I also hate the campus and the basic idea of a huge state school, but oh well college is what you make of it. I’m glad that there’s so many majors to choose from, so I am so indecisive it’s not even funny. It’s also cheaper than out of state (easier on my parents). I got into one of the honors programs, so that’s cool. A few of my friends are going there, so I’ll have people to hang out with as I make/try to make more friends and won’t have to hide in my room watching netflix. That’s always a plus. Finally, there’s a really cool and organized LGBT office on campus, which I would like to work in. I’m trying to look on the bright side and I think it’s working.

Anyway, college is only a small fraction of what’s going on but I reallllly need to study for a calc test now so I will see you on the flip side.

Random draft from 2 years ago that I never posted?

Hi guys.

It’s been actually 56756 years since I posted anything and for that I apologize. Not that any of you probably care whether I post or not…anyway.

Summer’s been kinda boring so far. I’ve gone camping twice, spent numerous hours on the internet, and began volunteering at the hospital. Strangely, I haven’t seen my friend who also works there yet (do we have a nickname for a certain indian boy who listens to a lot of Kid Cudi, plays tennis like a pro, and generally annoys everyone?). I mostly bring the patients water, ice, books, and nurses; direct patients families to the right rooms; deliver the patients who have been discharged to their cars; ride elevators up and down until I have something to do; awkwardly get out of the way when code blues are called (heart attack for people not in the cool); and probably annoy all the nurses, techs, patients, and doctors.

We lost power on friday night like the 600,000 million other people, so we suffered without internet, computers, and ac (notice the order).

What I have typed here is a title.

Hey guys. It’s been a while. Sorry about that. Most of my major exams are over; I just have to manage to pass finals for English, Chem, Math, and IED, and the SAT IIs for APUSH and French. My APs (APUSH and French) were mostly easy. Hoping for a 4/5 on APUSH and 3/4 on french. Actually, I was so surprised at how easy french was. The speaking portion (the one I was freaking out about most) was probably my strongest. My essay-DBQ-thingie was pretty terrible though, and the reading section was confusing at times. I’ll probably get a 3. Only 5% of non-native speakers get a 5, sooo. I can just cancel my score and take it again next year as a junior, ’cause that’s when you normally take it. No one would have to know…Anyway, I’m just glad those exams are behind me.

My two grandparents are coming on Thursday, but, unlike Sonny’s, they’re only staying for 5ish days. Overall, my grandparents are amazing, as well as cliched. For example, it is true that my grandmother make the best cookies ever. However, we just have to avoid talking about politics, because they are really conservative/religious people. I think we’ll just be doing touristy stuff around DC and Annapolis. How fun (./sarcasm) I suppose the amount of german being spoken in our house will increase, so I won’t really understand anything that’s going on…

I’m sad because a lot of people I know (well, 4) are moving away to different countries over summer break. I know two people moving to Sweden, one to South Africa, and one to Germany. It’s kinda sad. I mean, I don’t actually know any of these people that well, but still. I know I’ll probably never speak to or see them again. I won’t even remember what they look like or who they are in a few years. It’s depressing that the world is so big that you will probably never encounter someone again. Our lives only intersected for a short while. Whoa, getting a bit existential. I guess I should just appreciate the wonderful people I do have around me.


Plan for the next few weeks:


So I think this is my 10th post. \m/  I just went and ate falafel and it was good.

I keep hearing everyone freak out about their AP exams. It’s weird–I honestly don’t feel worried about mine. APUSH is one of my better subjects and the practice exams I’ve taken so far are easy. I’m just a little bit nervous about my hand falling off or turning to dust during the 2 hour writing section or freaking out about the DBQ and using all my time on that. French is weird. My teacher hasn’t told us anything about the test or what’s on it, soooo I’m kinda screwed for that test. To people getting Mr. L next year: He’s a good person and really, really weird, but he doesn’t teach you much. Also, the SAT II for USH was today. Watermelon told me it was easy, so I’m not too concerned for when I take it in June. I also decided to take the SAT II for french with listening because it has a greater curve and less vocab apparently, so that’s next November.

Umm, I feel like this post was really boring, so I scoured my computer to find something interesting. Here’s a photo to make up for it maybe. It’s of me looking very dignified with some cows when I was 6. They have cow bells ’cause they’re Swiss cows. Swiss cows are obviously superior. :3


No, Sonny, this doesn’t mean you must put up a picture. Besides, this photo is mostly full of cows. People will be looking at the cows, not me. I mean, it’s a ratio of of like 3 cows to 1 Marlena.



I’m blowing off homework for you guys to post this, so..feel special.

Today was ok. Watermelon and I have basically finished our IED (intro to engineering design class) project which was to design a bike storage system for someone who lives in a small apartment. Our solution was to create a pulley system so the bike could be hung from the ceiling. We are quite brilliant, if I do say so myself. Anyway, the project was due on monday, so naturally we were spazzing out with my friend Sonny and his IED partner at lunch in the computer lab. It was fun! :3

After school, Watermelon, Panda, and I went to help a former teacher like we do almost every week. This time we took the bus, and got off at the right stop. Watermelon usually freaks out because she thinks we’ll miss the stop and have to walk across the highway–that was ONE time. Then we graded students social studies notebooks. Unsurprisingly, most of them failed. Anyway, here are some blurru photos from the concert on monday. It’s kinda weird. When you’re at a concert, it suddenly hits you at random moments that the band are real people and not just pictures on the internet.


Weekend: This is kinda late.

I’m busy tonight, so I wrote this earlier and set it to post around 9. Just so you know.

Saturday was Maryland day (the day Maryland became a state for you unknowledgeable people), so I got to wake up insanely early and go to University O’Maryland College Park to help out with MD day there. It was soooo cold. Anyway, I just volunteered to help answer people’s questions and guide them around. Strangely, lots of people wanted to go to the bathroom. Then, we went to Ikea. I really needed a bookcase because my other ones were overflowing and there were mountains of books in my floor. So yeah. We also got a plant. It was quite a necessary purchase. When we got home, I put the bookcase together. It was a near-death experience. For the book case. Haha. Laugh at the lame joke, guys. No really. The bookcase decided to leave an important screw at Ikea. We had to improvise.

On Sunday I had to get a blood test, which sucked. Everything went smoothly until the second vial of blood (sorry for the graphic nature of the following content) was hooked up to the needle. Then, my vein wasn’t working or something and no blood was coming out. The nurse decided to wriggle the needle around in my arm, so that was unpleasant. Eventually, she got enough blood. Now I just have a bruise. Then, we went on a hike at Sugarloaf. It was fun(ish). Then, I came home and freaked out about homework.

Today, I went to school, which also was unpleasant. After school, I went to the practice APUSH ap test. It was really easy (imho). I scored 62/80, so that’s around a 4 or 5. It’s weird because I haven’t really studied at all. I felt like I was screwed for the test, but now I feel sorta confidant.

Tonight, I’m going to the Death Cab for Cutie concert. I can’t wait. I’m going to take the metro to Bethesda and meet my friends there. I will take pictures and post them tomorrow. If I remember. Which I will. *cough*

Awkward photo time…

Ok, here we go. I’m regretting making this challenge now… Since Sonny put up a picture of himself, I have to as well.

Thus, here are some me-being-awkward-and-taking-photos-of-myself-instead-of-doing-homework shitty webcam photos of me:

Ha, take that. Two photos. Actually, in neither one do I look particularly happy…but right now I’m in a good mood. Can’t wait for Death Cab and for some reason my neighbors gave me more money than usual for babysitting. Sonny, are you signing up for the SAT or an SAT subject test? Where? When? Are you going to take a class to prepare? Watermelon, talk to me toooo. Ugh, this is so confusing. I hate standardized testing.